

URBANO has maintained a constant rhythm of innovation, growth and regional expansion. This innovation satisfies needs of businesses that are looking to achieve an efficient commercial and operational capacity. Our sustained growth allows us to provide an unparallel demographic and geographic coverage.

  • 1996 – 2000

    URBANO was born and began to operate as a private domestic postal service company in Ecuador. It quickly reached an enormous volume of monthly shipments with main banks, credit card and utility companies within the country.

    In 1998, URBANO started operations in El Salvador. The business model was the same, but market conditions forced URBANO to develop specific products to meet the needs of that country

  • 2000 – 2005

    URBANO had over 1000 messengers on the streets when it began operations in Peru in 2003. The company acquired a business that offered the distribution of millions of shipments. The high levels of satisfaction obtained let URBANO acquire important contracts with major local banks, entering the market with a strong leadership position.

    URBANO introduced service innovations that quickly captured the attention of market players and active clients seeking better services. URBANO was quickly known as a business able to meet customer’s specifications and willing to develop personalized solutions for each of its customers.

  • 2005 – 2010

    Furthermore, the service offer and customer portfolio in Peru were broadened.In 2008, URBANO organized one corporate structure under one global brand.

    Logistics operation in El Salvador started with tremendous success. Customers welcomed URBANO in the shipping and handling business of packages with reliability and on-time service.

    URBANO’s network included more than 7000 employees and 100 branches worldwide that moved more than 300 millions deliveries annually.

  • 2010 – Actualidad

    URBANO renewed its identity. The presentation of its new image was reinforced by a sectional media campaign that included an extensive publicity in major cable channels throughout the region. Thanks to the sum of all innovations mastered, URBANO positions itself as a comprehensive logistics solutions company, a definition that in practice goes beyond the scope of the originating postal business.

    URBANO acquires Sepricarga (main competitor in the postal business) in Ecuador.

    In 2011 URBANO achieved diversification with its logistics business and created a specialized division for this segment.

    In 2012 URBANO integrated within its product offering, Market Intelligence capabilities with the acquisition of LatinLists, acquiring a dimension of knowledge and sophistication to the solutions offered, which is closer to the European mail models over the traditional offerings of the region.

    In Ecuador and Peru, we integrated the capacity of digital massive printing and a Direct Marketing solutions business specialized in trade. Georetail Peru, added a pioneering vision to the application of information already possessed in databases for the ultimate creation of Retail business solutions and Direct Marketing campaigns.

    URBANO completed its diversification and strategic focus approaches making any logistics business definition insufficient to include and describe all the range of alternatives and the vision amplitude that the company wants to convey.

    URBANO continues with its logistics and business intelligence leadership with great strength. Nowadays, the company solves the needs of its customers from more sophisticated optics and continues to evolve with the conviction that our sustainable growth relies on the innovation and incorporation of technological resources into our service operations network.